Branding is the core of your company and you would definitely want to have a strong core. Having good branding is like investing directly in your future, as your brand sets you apart from your competition and creates your own identity.
Branding goes way beyond just a logo or graphic element, it’s about the entire customer experience. Starting from your logo, leveling up to your website, your social media experience, and the way you portray your brand to the world. In short, your brand is the way your customer perceives you.
Imagine that an audience is being introduced to your brand for the first time and a well-executed branding has a lot to say. It immediately tells your audience a story about you and answers all the who’s and what’s they carry like, who are you? or what does your brand do? Or even what do you sell? Everything is conveyed to them instantly. Branding builds an emotional connection. By establishing yourself as a brand, you can deeply connect with customers, employees, and the general public. This connection is a gradual process that happens with time, but it starts by establishing a good reputation, letting your audience get to know you, and ultimately finding memorable ways to communicate.
Branding. People try to make it seem so complicated, but it really isn’t and that is why we are here. We at Wargstech make sure that your journey to create your own brand is as smooth as possible, it is an immersive experience and our aim will always to be deliver what is good for your company. Because “6. 33% of consumers have a brand in mind when they go shopping.”
Branding provides you with a path and gives you consistency, once you tell someone who you are, you’ve also implicitly told them who you aren’t. Brand identity becomes your purpose statement. All this evokes a sense of emotional attachment between your customer and you. Modern behavioral science has made it clear: we are emotional, instinctive creatures. We all want to be rational. We create pros-and-cons lists. We call referrals or talk to colleagues who have maybe used a service before, but at the end of the day, your decision, unconsciously, will come down to how you feel. An emotion you have around that decision.
A strong brand will provide value to your organization well beyond your physical assets. Think about the brands that you purchase from Coca-Cola, Apple, Ford… are these companies really worth their equipment, their products, their warehouses, or factories? No, these companies are worth much more than their physical assets…their brand has created a value that far exceeds their physical value.
“Coca-Cola spends an average of $3.96 billion on branding each year.”
The importance of branding with your business cannot be overstated. Start by getting concrete about what your brand stands for and the message you would like it to convey. Think about what makes your business distinct from others similar to it. At Wargstech we understand your needs and create a brand for you which no one can ever overlook or forget. Like Jeff Bezos said,