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Responsive Design, a step towards the future.

Responsive UX design is becoming an integral part of website development. It’s a source to capture your audience which is spread across a wide range of electronic and technological devices. It makes your website a universally adaptable platform.

The purpose of responsive web design is to magnify and better the user experience of the people who visit the website. It is also a fluid design, where your website optimizes for any device on which the user is viewing your website, may it be desktop, mobile, or iPad.

Some of the elements which make a responsive design work are like media queries, it is what allows the website to adapt to different devices as it recognizes the device it is being viewed on, as well as the width of the browser, and will let the page use different CSS rules. Fluid grids size the pages in relative units like percentages and ems. Unlike pixels, which are absolute, these units are changeable and easily adapt. The images displayed on the page will also be sized relative to keep them consistent with the rest of the page.

Earlier the websites were only viewed on desktops or laptops but with the advancement in technology and the increased use of other devices like smartphones and iPad. Browsing the Internet via these devices has become a primary way for people to experience the web. It is often much more convenient as mobile devices can be used almost anywhere. Because of this, web designers realized the need to make their pages just as accessible and attractive on mobile devices as they are on personal computers.

With the pervasiveness and diversity of mobile devices, as designers, we need to cater to the variety of screen sizes. This is a challenge that every web and app designer currently faces. From the giant corporate monitor to the smartwatch, there are a huge number of ways that users can access information online today. Wargstech has solved many such challenges and we think our experience can be beneficial to everyone who is want to adapt to the current scenario requirement. Responsive design is straightforward. Because it is fluid, it means that users can access your online world and enjoy as much of it on their handheld device as they would on a massive monitor. For this to be true, responsive design requires a very good conceptualization of the site and a deep knowledge of the needs and wants of the end-users!

Businesses without a mobile website are falling behind at an alarming rate because 8 in 10 visitors will stop engaging with a website that doesn’t display well on their device. It’s way too easy for users to hit the back button and try a rival business instead, and Google even ranks websites that are not responsive lower in their search.

“What separates design from art is that design is meant to be… functional.”

― Cameron Moll

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